Weight Watchers 123 Success Points Range

Weight Watchers 123 Success Points Range

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When you're serious about losing weight

The POINTS Plan User Guide

Weight Watchers Online offers you all the information and tools you need to succeed at losing weight. Before we get started, here are three important things to keep in mind.

1. Give it time: For most people, it takes a couple of weeks to fully understand the POINTS plan and get the swing of the site.
2. Be open to making adjustments: You'll need to make lots of little changes to see success on the scale. We'll provide all the tips and tricks to help you do this: pick the ones that are right for you and give them a try.
3. Enjoy the process: Not only does Weight Watchers simplify dieting, it's designed to be fun, fast and interesting, too.

How do I lose weight?

Weight Watchers will help you lose weight in three ways:
1. Following a healthy food and exercise plan.
The POINTS plan gives you the freedom to eat the foods you love while still following a healthy diet.
2. Learning about weight loss.
Each week, we'll provide a special new weight-loss topic to help you get the most out of the diet.
3. Weighing yourself.
We'll explain how to lose weight at a safe rate (up to 2 pounds per week) and why it's important to weigh yourself each week.
Let's start with the basics.

What are POINTS?

POINTS help you keep track of the food you eat.

Every food has a POINTS value
At Weight Watchers, weve assigned every food a POINTS value. How many POINTS depends on the foods portion size and the calories, fat and fiber it contains.

How are POINTS calculated?
The POINTS value is calculated from the calories, fat and fiber the food contains. By taking the calories, fat and fiber and rolling them up into one value POINTS weve made it easy for you to make healthier choices.

A note about serving size
Remember, too, that POINTS values will vary depending on serving size and how much of a food you eat.

Why will POINTS help me lose weight?
Health experts agree that to lose weight you need to eat fewer calories. Many experts also agree that eating more fiber and less fat will boost weight loss. And by sticking to a set number of POINTS, you'll be doing just that!

What's my POINTS range?

On Weight Watchers, you have a personal Daily POINTS Range

Okay, by now you've learned that all foods have a POINTS value. But, what does that mean for you? Here's the answer:

We've assigned you a Daily POINTS Range which is based on your current weight to "spend" on any foods you like.
1. You should eat within your Daily POINTS Range.
When using your Daily POINTS Range, you should:
Eat at least the minimum.
Try not to exceed the maximum.

Your best bet is to aim for the middle of the range.

We call this number you aim for your "target POINTS". To help you get started, we've set the target to the top of your range. You can adjust it at any time in the My Profile section.

2. You can bank POINTS for special occasions
There are likely to be occasions when youll need to exceed your daily range, e.g., when youre going to a party or dining out. Plan for these occasions by "banking" POINTS ahead of time.

3. You can earn more POINTS from exercise
Need an incentive to get active? On the POINTS plan, you can earn additional POINTS by doing some exercise.

4. Your Daily POINTS Range will change as you lose weight
Thats because the less you weigh, the less food you need to eat to lose weight in a safe way. If youre interested to see the POINTS for other weight ranges, refer to the chart below.

Less than 150 pounds18-23
150 to 174 pounds20-25
175 to 199 pounds22-27
200 to 224 pounds24-29
225 to 249 pounds26-31
250 to 274 pounds28-33
275 to 299 pounds29-34
300 to 324 pounds30-35
325 to 349 pounds31-36
More than 350 pounds32-37

How many POINTS in my food?

There are two ways to find the POINTS of your foods.
To stay within your Daily POINTS Range, youll need to know the POINTS of all the different foods you eat. At WeightWatchers.com, we've figured out the POINTS values for over 16,000 foods!

How do I find POINTS values? ( this is based on the WW Online Plan)
There are two ways you can find the POINTS values of foods:

1. By searching for a particular food in the POINTS lookup. Our list of 16,000 foods includes supermarket and fast foods.

2. By using the POINTS calculator. If you cant find a food in our list, you can figure out the POINTS by entering the calories, fat and fiber for one serving of the food. These details are found on the Nutrition Facts label of most food packages

You can access the POINTS lookup and calculator from the My Plan section.
You can also do the calculation yourself:
Calories divided by 50=A
Fat divided by 12=B
Fiber divided by 5=C

Then it is A+B-C=Points

How will I choose what to eat?

Any food fits on the POINTS plan.

Every food has a POINTS value
No foods a no-no on the POINTS plan. You can eat any food you like as long as you count the POINTS.

Let POINTS guide your food choices
Simply by trying to stick within your daily range, youll find that POINTS help you make better choices.

The aim of the game is to choose foods that will make you feel full and satisfied, without spending all your POINTS at the start of the day.

How to Make Better Choices
Here's an example of how to make better choices throughout the day: Chris Daily POINTS Range is 20 to 25. For breakfast, Chris has been eating granola, OJ and coffee which costs 11 POINTS. With just a few simple changes, we saved 6 POINTS.

How do I stay within my POINTS range?

Keep track of your POINTS throughout the day.

To stick within your Daily POINTS Range and lose weight, youll need to keep track of the POINTS youre using throughout the day.

There are two features on the WeightWatchers.com site that you can use to keep track of your POINTS.
If you like freedom...
and prefer to choose your own meals, then keep track of your POINTS by entering the foods you eat into the journal.
If you like structure...
and want an easy start to your weight loss, choose a meal plan where all the POINTS choices have been made for you.

Here we'll introduce you to both of these tools.

Keep track with the journal
1. Why journal?
Research shows that keeping track by recording everything you eat in a journal gives you better weight-loss success. Even if you think you have a great memory, youd be surprised at how easy it is to forget those little bites and nibbles throughout the day.
2. How do I journal?

There are two main ways you can journal:

1. By planning your day in advance. Decide in the evening what you plan to eat the next day. Enter these foods into your journal, then print out the page and follow it like a meal plan.

2. By "biting and writing it". This means you simply enter foods into the journal once youve eaten them.

No matter how you journal, just try to do it every day and stay within your Daily POINTS Range.
3. Do I really have to journal every day?
You'll get the most accurate "picture" of what you're eating if you journal each day. But just because you do it regularly doesn't mean it has to take lots of time. Refer to the Journal User Guide for helpful hints and time-saving tips.

Stay on track with meal plans

Meal plans are an easy way to start losing weight. (This is part of the etools for WW online)

What Are Meal Plans?
WeightWatchers.com meal plans are 7-day menus personalized to your Daily POINTS Range that include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack suggestions even takeout foods! You can look forward to a new meal plan each week, for 10 weeks.

Meal plans make it easy for you to follow the POINTS plan all the hard work and choice-making is done for you. Simply follow the meal plan as its written and youll always be within your Daily POINTS Range. Or just use it for ideas and inspiration.

Note: Meal plans are optional. You only need to use them if you want to.

What will I learn about weight loss?

There's lots of information about weight loss at WeightWatchers.com

Learning about weight loss is a gradual process and we hope you learn lots by visiting the site each day. On just about every corner of WeightWatchers.com, theres some little snippet of information an article, a recipe, a success story to help you succeed.

Here are three of our favorite ways to help you learn about weight loss:

1. Learn from your Weight-Loss Topic of the Week
Topics Include:
On the job
Exercise and you
Eating out
And more!
Each week for the next 12 weeks, well post a special weight-loss topic that will explain how you can make the POINTS plan work for you.
2. Experiment with healthy cooking techniques
Visit our Food & Recipes section for POINT-friendly cooking ideas. Search for over 700 delicious recipes, learn how to "renovate" your all-time favorite dishes so they cost less POINTS, plus consult our special low-fat Cooking Guide
3. Get what you want with Tools for Living
Tap into your inner resources with the help of Weight Watchers Tools For Living they're eight easy strategies that will help you stay on track.

Weigh yourself once each week

Record your weekly weight loss.
You'll need to weigh yourself once each week and record it.
Note: Reset you bank to zero in the journal on your weight tracking day.
Tips on Weighing Yourself
1. Weigh yourself once a week
Its important to monitor your weight loss by standing on the scale once each week. Because your weight can fluctuate on a daily (even hourly) basis, we recommend you weigh yourself only once each week.
2. For the most accurate results when weighing yourself:
Use the same scale each week.
Wear similar clothes. If you wore shoes the first time, always wear shoes when you weigh yourself.
Weigh yourself at a similar time of day, e.g., in the morning or evening.
Log your result in the Weight Tracker once each week youll find this in the My Plan section.
3. How quickly can you expect to lose weight?
The POINTS plan is designed to help you lose up to 2 pounds per week, which experts generally agree is a safe rate of weight loss. In the first few weeks, you may lose a little more than that.

Everyone is different and your rate of weight loss will vary depending on factors such as how closely you follow the plan and whether or not you exercise. If you have any questions regarding whether you are losing weight at a safe rate, we strongly advise you to seek medical advice from your physician or health practitioner.

How do I choose a weight goal?

We'll help you set short- and long-term goals
To stay motivated while losing weight, its important to have a weight goal to strive toward. Theres no need to decide on a weight goal today unless you want to. Simply start by considering your healthy weight range.

1. Know Your Weight Range
At Weight Watchers, we consider any weight loss no matter how large or small a wonderful achievement! How much weight you choose to lose is up to you. To help inform your decision, start by knowing your weight range
Weight Watchers Weight Ranges are based on a special index known as BMI (Body Mass Index) which health experts generally use to determine whether a person is at a healthy weight. Experts generally consider a BMI of 20-25 to be healthy. Anything above 25 is considered overweight.

Remember that any weight loss is an achievement and can provide health benefits. If you have a lot of weight to lose, don't let the weight ranges "frighten" you.
2. Strive toward a short-term goal
If youre new to dieting, its good advice to strive toward an achievable short-term goal before setting an "ultimate" one. At Weight Watchers, we recommend your short-term goal be 10% of what you weigh when you start your diet. We call this goal THE 10% TARGET.

For many people, losing 10% of their body weight means dropping down a dress size or being able to fasten their belt a notch tighter. There are lots of health benefits, too!
3. Choose an ultimate weight goal
You dont have to decide on a weight goal today. In the coming weeks, well have tips on setting a goal youre comfortable with.

Weight Watchers Weight Ranges

Height Weight Ranges
Minimum for all Adults (BMI=20) Recommended maximum for ages up to 25 years Recommended maximum for ages between 25 &45 years Maximum for all Adults (45+) (BMI=25)
4'9" 92 106 111 115
4'10" 95 110 115 119
4'11" 99 114 119 124
5'0" 102 118 123 128
5'1" 106 121 127 132
5'2" 109 125 131 136
5'3" 113 130 135 141
5'4" 116 134 140 145
5'5" 120 138 144 150
5'6" 124 142 148 155
5'7" 127 147 153 159
5'8" 131 151 158 164
5'9" 135 155 162 169
5'10" 139 160 167 174
5'11" 143 165 172 179
6'0" 147 169 177 184
6'1" 151 174 182 189
6'2" 155 179 187 194
6'3" 160 184 192 200
6'4" 164 189 197 205
6'5" 168 194 202 210

What should I know by now?

Here's a summary of what you've learned so far

Each day as you explore the site, you'll learn more and more about losing weight. But by now, you should have a good understanding of the POINTS plan and feel confident enough to get started.

Heres a quick highlight of some important details:

Your Daily POINTS Range.
You can spend these POINTS on any foods you like.
You need to stick within this range to lose weight.

Here are some of the tools you can use to stick within your Daily POINTS Range:
Journal - To keep track of the food you eat
Meal Plans - When you need help planning meals
Recipe Search - For hundreds of POINTS-friendly recipes
Points Calculator - To find POINTS values
Food Lists - Printable POINTS lists that you can carry with you.
These are all part of WW online

Now you're ready to start losing weight!
Remember to weigh yourself weekly

Let's get started

You're all set to start following the POINTS plan!
Start your diet today by simply keeping track of the foods you eat.

Weight Watchers 123 Success Points Range

Source: https://losing2gether0.tripod.com/losingtogether/id16.html

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